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The Lived Experience
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland (The ASI) is thrilled to announce the release of The Memory Lane Heroes with Carl Corcoran and The Irish World Academy’s Nasc Choir’s, “We Will Tell Everyone”.
In this video, Bryan and Una discuss life after Bryan's Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis.
On this World Alzheimer’s Day 2023, we're overjoyed to share this video of Dublin Couple Bríd and Vincent Kelly’s vow renewal. Bríd - who lives with Alzheimer’s disease - and her primary carer Vincent celebrated 60 years of marriage with a ceremony at The ASI’s Curlew Road Day Care Centre in Drimnagh on September 15th.
In this video, Irish Dementia Working Group Member Gerry Paley talks about his experience of people's reluctance to speak about his dementia diagnosis.

Looking for information, support or advice? Our Alzheimer’s National Helpline 1800 341 341 is here for you

The ASI in conjunction with Fujitsu has launched the Virtual Dementia Hub
The Virtual Dementia Hub is a Digital Inclusion project to empower people living with Dementia through technology. Here users can find music, poetry, puzzles, and activity packs to enjoy at their leisure.