The Dementia Research Advisory Team (PPI)
- The Dementia Research Advisory Team
- Meet the Members
- Research Innovation: PPI-led Research
- Join the Dementia Research Advisory Team
- Why have PPI in research?
- Engage with the Dementia Research Advisory Team
- Dementia Research Advisory Team academic work
- PPI Resources
- Groups supported by The ASI Advocacy & Research Teams
The Dementia Research Advisory Team
The Dementia Research Advisory Team is a group of people living with dementia and carers/supporters who are involved in dementia research as co-researchers. These Experts by Experience influence, advise, and work with researchers across Ireland.
In addition to being involved in various research projects across Ireland, team members come together 3-4 times per year for capacity building workshops. Members also contribute to The ASI’s research funding decisions and review process for tenders.
Meet the Members
Research Innovation: PPI-led Research
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland (ASI) is committed to advancing PPI through the Dementia Research Advisory Team, ensuring that dementia research in Ireland is relevant, engaging, and impactful for people living with dementia and their caregivers. This is a key objective of The ASI’s Research Strategy and central to this mission is the provision of authentic leadership opportunities for PPI Contributors, supporting them to lead and shape research that directly addresses their needs and experiences.
In successfully Running their Own Research Project, the members of the DRAT demonstrated that which is achievable when PPI Contributors are empowered to prioritise an investigation into a research question relevant to their own experience. Tackling a meaningful topic with impactful results, informs the growth of PPI as an ethos and shows how PPI-led research can promote solutions to improve quality of life, care, and policy, as they are shaped with those most-affected in mind.
Click here to read Dementia Research Advisory Team Project Report
Join the Dementia Research Advisory Team
If you are a person living with dementia or a family carer/supporter who would like to learn more about joining the Dementia Research Advisory Team, please get in touch with Cíara O’Reilly by emailing [email protected] or phoning 085 870 9671.
We welcome members from diverse groups including
- The LGBTQI+ community;
- The Traveller community;
- Black Asian and Minority Ethnic Groups.
No experience necessary!
Information for potential members: CLICK HERE
Why have PPI in research?
PPI improves research. People with dementia and carers can offer unique insights and viewpoints that improve research projects.
- We have unique perspectives and research ideas that might not already be written or talked about. We live this every day so we see and experience things that researchers and academics don’t see or might not know about. We can bring these insights to the table and help researchers to do new and exciting work
- We can help set research priorities and put the research question into context. Research funders want to know about how research will translate to real life. Who can provide this information better than us? We are ‘real-life’. Research funders in Ireland include the opinions of the public when deciding what applications to fund. These people want to see how the research will help those that it’s about.
- Designing and planning research studies. We can provide insights and advice that will make the experience of taking part better for participants, which will help keep participants in the studies. These could be anything from times or venue, or about how to approach people about certain difficult topics they might find upsetting.
- Improving the way the results are shared by coming up with ways to best tell the public about the research in easy-to-understand terms. The public want to know what happens in research but it needs to be communicated in a way that is easy to understand and accessible.
Engage with the Dementia Research Advisory Team
If you are researcher and would like to involve members of the Dementia Research Advisory Team in your work, please read our Guidelines for Engagement and complete THIS FORM.
We have a list of useful resources below.
Dementia Research Advisory Team academic work
Published Works:
The members of the Dementia Research Advisory Team have been recognised for their contributions to research in a number of publications. Please click through the below to read some of their work:
– Freedom and loneliness: dementia caregiver experiences of the nursing home transition
Academic Posters
They have also been invited to share a number of academic posters over the years:
Alzheimer Disease International 2022
Irish Gerontological Society 2019
Conference Presentations
Alzheimer Europe Conference Oct 2024
DRNI / ASI Dementia Science for the Non Scientist Sept 2024 Panel Discussion
ADI 2024
Liverpool Dementia & Ageing 5th Annual Conference Oct 2023
ASI / DRNI Knowledge Exchange Seminar Feb 2023
ADI 2022 “Meet the Experts by Experience” Panel Discussion. CLICK HERE to watch the recording.
Engaging Dementia Conference 14th Annual Conference 2022. The video recording is available HERE.
PPI Resources
The Dementia Journal has published a special issue on PPI: Patient and Public Involvement in Dementia Research: Moving from Proving to Improving. The issue can be accessed here. You may need to use an institutional log in to access this work Click here
- Article: Minding the gap: identifying values to enable public and patient involvement at the pre-commencement stages of research projects. Click here
- Our reflections of Patient and Public Involvement in research as members of the European Working Group of People with Dementia Click here
- Alzheimer Europe’s position on involving people with dementia in research through PPI (patient and public involvement) Click here
- Dementia Research Blog – Doing PPI on my PhD Project. Click here
- Qualitative research and patient and public involvement in health and social care research: What are the key differences? – Bec Hanley, Kristina Staley, Derek Stewart, Rosemary Barber, August 2019 Click here
- Resources and briefing notes for researchers from Involve UK (The UK’s leading public participation charity) Click here
- Involvement Cost Calculator (this is a UK tool) Click here
We are grateful to the PPI Ignite Network for their continued support with developing our PPI activities.
Groups supported by The ASI Advocacy & Research Teams
Check out our document clarifying the work and positions of the groups supported by The ASI Research & Advocacy Teams