Other Support and Services
There are a range of other services, in addition to those provided by The Alzheimer Society of Ireland, which can provide support and assistance to you and your family.

Other Support and Services
Print ListSocial Activities
The Rainbow Café is specifically for older LGBT+ persons, proactive allies, and healthcare professionals supporting older persons.
The space is dementia-inclusive and those living with dementia, along with family carers and supporters, are encouraged to attend and will be assisted to do so in any way possible.
Website: https://alone.ie/our-work/
Alone is a national organisation that enables older people to age at home as well as providing befriending services, advice, assistive technology and support
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
There are Men's Sheds in various locations. The Irish Men's Shed's Association will provide a list for your area either by phone or by visiting their website
Memory Technology
Laois/Offaly Memory Technology Resource Room
Memory Clinic
Cognitive Assessment Service, Laois
The Memory Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Referral-based service which is available for people under 65.
Public Health Nurse
Local Health Services
Click the link above to find what local health services are in your area