Ways to Have Your Voice Heard

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland strongly advocates for the lived experience of those living with dementia and their care-partners to be shared and supported, offering a number of avenues for having your voice heard.
These groups supported by The ASI include:
- The Irish Dementia Working Group
The Irish Dementia Working Group is an advocacy group made up of people living with dementia. This group was established in 2013 and is an independent campaigning voice for the lived experience of dementia with members throughout Ireland. Members work to influence policy, challenge stigma and raise awareness of the disease.
- The Dementia Carers Campaign Network
The Dementia Carers Campaign Network is a group of people who have experience caring for and supporting a loved one with dementia. This group was set up in 2013 and aims to be a voice of and for dementia carers in Ireland and to raise awareness of issues affecting families living with dementia.
- The Dementia Research Advisory Team
The Dementia Research Advisory Team is a group of people living with dementia and care-partners / supporters. The group was established in 2019 and are involved in dementia research as co-researchers. These Experts by Experience influence, advise, and work with researchers across Ireland.
- TeamUp for Dementia Research
TeamUp for Dementia Research is a service where people living with dementia and their families can register their interest in participating in dementia research. This service was formally launched in 2021. It aims to make research more accessible to people living with dementia and their families and ensures their voices are heard in research.
The work of these groups and their functions / support structure are further outlined here.
If you are interested in getting involved or for more information, please see the links below to each group.