Give Through a Will

Making a will is one of the most critical and deeply personal decisions ever. It is a unique opportunity to shape your legacy and decide precisely how you continue to care for and remember the people and causes who are unique to you – for years to come.
Family Comes First
When you decide to make your Will, you will want to ensure that all your family’s needs are met and that you have done all you can to protect them. But after you have cared for your family, a gift in your Will to The Alzheimer Society of Ireland will help to ensure that, when it is needed most, your legacy will continue to care for the ones you love and the generations to follow.
Please Remember;
Your Will is confidential.
We will never share your details with anyone or with any other organisation.
You are under no obligation of any kind.
You are under no obligation even if you tell us that you intend to leave a gift to The Alzheimer Society.
Your gift will make a real difference.
Your gift will always be used to ensure the greatest possible impact in the most significant possible area of need.
You can change at any time.
If you decide today to leave a gift to The Alzheimer Society of Ireland, you can change your mind anytime. We will always respect and protect your decision.
Your Will is your choice.
Your legacy is yours to give.
Read our Legacy Brochure for more information about our giving programme.
We are here to help in any way we can. Just contact us at 01-2073833 or email [email protected]