Other Useful Websites

Below is a list of other websites you may find useful:

HSE Safeguarding and Protection Teams

For an ongoing safeguarding concern that support is needed with – contact the HSE National Safeguarding Office at [email protected]  / (061) 461 358. There are nine regional Safeguarding and Protection Teams covering all community health regions in the country. Click HERE for details of the regional Safeguarding and Protection Teams.

Family Carers Ireland

Family Carers Ireland is the result of a merger between The Carers Association and Caring for Carers.


Dementia Services Information and Development Centre (DSIDC)

Website of the Dementia Services Information and Development Centre (DSIDC) in St James Hosptial, Dublin. They provide information on dementia and publications for carers to download.

Understand Together

Understand Together is a public support, awareness and information campaign led by HSE, working with The Alzheimer Society of Ireland and Genio campaign.  The website features a service finder detailing county-by-county the dementia supports and services available.



Occupational Therapist’s Association

Citizens Information

The Citizens Information Board provides comprehensive information on public services and on the entitlements of citizens in Ireland. Information is gathered from various government departments and agencies, and is presented in an easy-to-understand way.


Free legal advice centres around Ireland

Hello Brain

Hello Brain provides easy-to-understand scientific information about brain health.

Legal Aid Board

The Legal Aid Board provides legal aid and advice on matters of civil law to persons unable to fund such services from their own resources.


Website of the Department of Social Protection. Provides information on schemes, services and social entitlements.


Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy. Has a full list of accredited counsellors around Ireland.

The Home & Community Care Association

The Home & Community Care Association represents registered private home care providers in Ireland


Nursing Homes Ireland is the representative body for the private and voluntary nursing home sector

Meals on Wheels

Under the umbrella of Irish Rural Link (IRL), the National Meals on Wheels Network was established in 2015. The overall aim of the network is to provide a local, community-led professional facility to assist people who require services to maintain optimum health, independence with strong life-extending possibilities. The new Meals on Wheels Network website was recently launched which includes an interactive map, providing a dedicated resource for people looking for information on Meals on Wheels services in their local area.

Age Action 

Age Action is Ireland’s leading advocacy organisation for older people and ageing. They provide practical programmes to support older people to age in place through their Care and Repair, Getting Started and Information Service.

Sage Advocacy

  • Sage is the National Advocacy Service for Older People. It also supports survivors of institutional abuse; and healthcare patients in certain situations. It responds according to need with Information – Support – Advocacy – Safeguarding.
    Sage Advocacy ensures a person’s voice is heard. It is publicly funded and independent of family, service providers and systems interests. We collaborate where possible; challenge where necessary.


TFI Local Link  

TFI Local Link bus services connect communities throughout rural Ireland as part of the TFI Public Transport Network. They form a network of affordable bus services for everyone who wants to travel to travel to or from local towns and villages. We have two different types of Local Link service: Regular Rural Bus Services and Door-to-Door Bus Services. Visit their website here for details of local link services in your area.

The Crystal Project 

The Crystal Project is an award-winning community dementia project. It is based in Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre. They offer support and services to people affected by dementia living in North Cork. They run social clubs, alzheimer cafes, Brain training exercise classes.

Irish Hospice Foundation- Think Ahead

Think Ahead is a practical tool and customisable guide for advance care planning and end of life. It allows people to document their healthcare choices and personal wishes. The website provides resources to help people to start to think and talk about preference for end of life.  You can get a copy of the Think Ahead document posted out to you in a pack. Click here to download the Think Ahead document.

Irish Museum Modern Arts (IMMA) 

IMMA is one of the lead partners of a programme called ‘Azure’ which aims to make art galleries and museums around Ireland dementia-friendly spaces. Azure explores how people with dementia-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s, and the people who care for them, can have a deeper involvement in cultural institutions and can participate in cultural activities.

They offer monthly guided Azure Tours specifically designed to support people living with dementia and their family, friends or professional carers, to engage with the exhibitions and enjoy a social museum experience. All tours are free of charge, led by specially trained guides, and followed by complimentary refreshments.



ISTI is an association of experienced Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs)  practicing independently in Ireland.  All are registered with CORU, the professional regulatory body of Ireland. You can find details of private SLT’s in your area.


Cross Care 

Work with people at risk of, and experiencing homelessness and struggling to access state and other supports. Support people with complex needs


Fold Housing 

FOLD Housing enhances the quality of life for many people in the community by providing a unique combination of accommodation and associated service options. These include: Housing-with-Care and day care for frail older people and people with dementia; sheltered housing; and general needs accommodation for families. Dublin, Ashbourne, Rathoath.

The Patient Advocacy Service 

The Patient Advocacy Service is an independent, free and confidential service. We provide information and support to people who want to make a formal complaint through the relevant complaints policy about the care they have experienced in a Public Acute Hospital or Nursing Home. We also support people in the aftermath of a Patient Safety Incident.

Our service supports people through the whole complaints process, from the initial formal complaint, any internal reviews and any complaints made to the Ombudsman or regulators, e.g. Medical Council, CORU, the NMBI etc.

 Dementia Café Network

The Irish Dementia Café Network is a network of dementia cafés around Ireland, each of which is run according to a set of shared principles and guidelines.

The network brings people living with dementia and family carers together by signposting them to your nearest café

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