Dementia: The Continuing Crisis
About Our Campaign
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland is calling for an investment of €29.3m in urgent community and home supports for people living with dementia of all ages and their families in its Pre-Budget Submission 2022.
After consultation with people living with dementia and their families The ASI has prepared a Pre-Budget Submission.
The ASI is asking the Government to invest in vital dementia supports for families struggling in our communities.
The enormous challenges faced by the family carers of people living with dementia was highlighted in an ASI report launched during the summer.
The research Caring and Coping with dementia during Covid-19 found family carers to be at breaking point – with their mental and physical wellbeing seriously affected.
Findings included: 81% of respondents were concerned about decline in the person with dementia and 54% of family carers reported a decline in their mental health, and 40% a decline in their physical health.
The full submission includes a call investment broken into the following areas:

Online Launch
PBS 2022 Launch Agenda
• MC Helena Quaid intro/housekeeping
• Former Minister for Justice and family carer Nora Owen
• Helen Rochford Brennan, person living with dementia in conversation with Cormac Cahill
• Denise Monahan, family carer in conversation with Cormac Cahill
• Pat Mc Loughlin, CEO The ASI PBS asks
• Kevin Quaid, final remarks
Dr Helen Rochford Brennan was diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer eight years ago and today she once again addressed our virtual room of politicians about her personal struggles of living with dementia and the urgent need for further supports and services. Helen is in conversation with The ASI’s Communications Manager Cormac Cahill.
Denise Monahan is a carer for her dad, Seamus, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s nine years ago and talks about the impact that Covid-19 has made on people living with dementia and family carers. Denise is in conversation with The ASI’s Communications Manager Cormac Cahill.
In conversation with The ASI’s Advocacy Manager Clodagh Whelan, former Justice Minister Nora Owen talks about the services that Brian received, being his carer at home and being open about his diagnosis and how that has helped others and how Government needs to be more aware of the needs of people living with dementia and family carers in Ireland.
Experience of a Family Carer

Seamus Cunningham and Denise Monahan
The impact of not having access to day centres is stark on people who live with dementia.
Family carer Denise Monahan, who is a carer for her dad, Seamus, who has Alzheimer’s, highlighted the lived reality of these difficulties.
“The last 18 months have proved very challenging for my Dad and for us as a family. During this whole pandemic period, my Dad’s world has completely shrunk. He used to be the life and soul of his Day Centre which he loved so much and now he just wants to stay in the house all the time.
“The closure of the centre was a huge loss. My biggest worry has been realised as his deterioration has been so sharp that even if the centre was able to reopen its doors, he wouldn’t be able to go. He has lost his ability to converse and to reminisce because he has been without his connection with people.
“We as a family played by the rules in terms of cocooning and shielding him, but now we’ve paid the price. The Day Centre was our security blanket – without it, we were always going to be in freefall and now he’ll never go back. It just shows how much these centres mean to people – they really are the centre of our worlds and I wouldn’t like to see any other family go through this.
“The Government must listen, once more, to family carers and people with dementia and I would urge investment in day care services, so that more centres can reopen as soon as possible.”
Previous Pre-Budget Submissions
You can find our previous Pre-Budget Submissions below: