Research Funding

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Research & Policy Funding Calls


Open Funding Calls

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland launches Early Career Researcher Travel Bursaries 2025 

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland is offering Early Career Researchers the opportunity to apply for our new Early Career Research Travel Bursaries to support attendance at Dementia Research Network Ireland (DRNI)’s knowledge exchange seminar. 

Dementia Research Network Ireland (DRNI) is hosting an Early Career Researcher Day on Tuesday, March 4th 2025 in the Centre for Public Health, Queens University Belfast. This event will give early career researchers in the dementia field the opportunity to present their research and meet their peers and other researchers working in the area. This is a free, in-person event and will also be live streamed.  

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland are supporting early career researchers to attend this knowledge exchange seminar by offering two travel bursaries (maximum €250 each). Current postgraduate student (L9 Masters or L10 Doctoral) or a postdoctoral researcher, in a, or affiliated with, a Higher Education Institute on the island of Ireland are eligible to apply.  

For information on further eligibility and what costs are covered, please see our detailed information leaflet HERE. 

How to apply
Complete the application form online HERE. 

Key Dates
The closing date for applications is 14th February 2025. Successful applications will be notified before COB 20th February 2025.  

Contact: Dr Diane O’Doherty, Research Officer at [email protected] 


Closed Funding Calls (for reference only)

HRCI-HRB Joint Funding Scheme 2023/2024

The ASI is pleased to announce its participation in the Joint Funding Scheme 2023/2024 between the Health Research Board and Health Research Charities Ireland. We are inviting applications that are in line with our mission and vision, and focused on improving outcomes for people living with dementia and/or their families. The research must provide knowledge and/or tangible outputs that can enhance The ASI’s ability to support people living with dementia and/or their families.

  • ASI Expression of Interest form HERE.
  • ASI Information Document HERE.
  • HRCI-HRB Guidance Notes can be found HERE. Please read these carefully before applying. Please note that these have been amended as of 16/8/2023. 

Deadline for receipt of Expression of Interest forms is 15th September 2023 at 5pm.

All forms must be complete and submitted to [email protected] before the closing date.


The Alzheimer Society of Ireland Dementia Research Award 2023

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland (ASI) is pleased to announce the launch of our first Dementia Research Award 2023. The funding available is to a maximum value of €100,000 towards a project of 9-24 months duration.

In The ASI’s 2022-2024 Research Strategy, we have committed to developing and supporting quality dementia research that is in line with our mission and values, and is important to our communities of people living with dementia, family carers, supporters, staff and volunteers.

Key Themes
Funding is based on six key research themes that have been informed by the results of a Research Prioritisation exercise (in press) led by Dementia Research Network Ireland (DRNI), supported by The ASI and refined by ASI staff, volunteers, people living with dementia and family carers.

  • Identify the most effective strategies and supports for enabling people with dementia to maintain their interests and abilities for as long as possible.
  • Explore ways to address gaps in healthcare for people with dementia, and what may be the quality of life and cost benefits of a more holistic approach (instead of a medical-only model).
  • Identify the range of supports required to best meet the needs of family/unpaid carers of people with dementia.
  • Identify the best ways to deliver education, training & support to professional carers and health & social care professionals in the field of dementia.
  • Reducing the risk of developing dementia.
  • Explore experiences of people with dementia and families from marginalised communities and how to improve access to supports and services.

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland will commence funding of the successful application in 2023. This will be subject to the submitted grant proposals meeting the required standard as assessed by international peer review and public review. The ASI will provide funding of up to €100,000 towards a project of 9-24 months duration.

Application Process
Phase 1 – Proposal
Applicants are invited to submit a proposal outlining key areas such as a plain language summary, the research question(s), aims of the work, proposed impact etc. Assessment in Phase 1 will be focused on the perceived importance, relevance, and potential impact of the research. The highest rated applications will be invited to make a full application in Phase 2 of this scheme. A maximum of five applications will be invited forward for full review.

Phase 2 – Invited Full Application
Following Phase 1, five successful applicants will be invited to submit a full application for this call. The full Phase 2 application form will be in-depth and similar to those required by other funding bodies. Applications will be reviewed by international academic reviewers.

For detailed information on funding, the application process and eligibility criteria, please see our guidance document HERE*. *Please note the guidance document has been amended as of 28/2/2023. Principal Investigators are not required to be employed full time in a Higher Education Institution. Those who have joint appointments or are employed part time by such institutions are also eligible to apply for the Dementia Research Award. The deadline for queries has been extended to 1st March 2023. The word count for section 2.5 has been revised in line with the proposal form. 

How to apply
Applicants must email the completed proposal form to [email protected] by midnight on 6th March 2023. They must be submitted as a Word Document to allow for coding and anonymisation. Forms should be clearly labelled with the PI Last Name and Institution abbreviation.

Deadlines: Please see funding document for a more detailed overview of key dates
Call Open: 19th January 2023
Proposal Deadline: 6th March 2023
Full Application Deadline: 5th June 2023
Project Commences: November 2023

Any queries in relation to the funding call and procedure must be submitted via email to [email protected]. Any queries and the corresponding response will be published on this webpage in a live FAQ document to ensure all applicants have access to the same information during the process. The deadline for queries is 1st March 2023.


  1. ASI Dementia Research Award 2023 Guidance
  2. ASI Dementia Research Award 2023 Proposal Form 
  3. FAQ Documentation (Last updated 28.2.23) 


ASI Research Knowledge Exchange Seminar – Early Career Researcher Travel Bursaries

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland and Dementia Research Network Ireland are hosting a half-day Research Knowledge Exchange Seminar on February 22nd, 2023.

This event will bring together people living with dementia, informal carers/supporters, healthcare professionals and researchers to share knowledge and build capacity for translating research findings into real life. The event is for early career researchers, people living with dementia, clinicians, experts in the dementia field and carers / supporters in attendance.

A small number of travel bursaries are available to early career researchers whose research is focused on dementia (across all disciplines and areas of work).

For information on eligibility and what costs are covered, please see our detailed information leaflet HERE.

How to apply
Complete the application form online HERE.

Key Dates
The closing date for applications is 25th January 2023. Successful applications will be notified before 31st January 2023.

Contact: Dr Diane O’Doherty, Research Officer at [email protected]


Invitation to Tender: Evaluation of The Alzheimer Society of Ireland’s Day Care at Home service

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland is seeking tenders from suitably qualified individuals or organisations to conduct an evaluation of ASI’s Day Care at Home service.

Day Care at Home is a service provided by The Alzheimer Society of Ireland to people with dementia and their families that offers companionship, a continuation of hobbies and interests, and addresses isolation. Day Care at Home was initially set up as an emergency interim alternative model of care following the forced closure of Day Care Centres during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Now, the service is recognised as a valuable support for people with dementia and their families for whom attending day centres might not be appropriate, possible or of interest. It also provides a unique opportunity to increase the continuity of care earlier or later in the journey for the person living with dementia and their families.

The successful applicant should use field and desk research to examine:

  • The impact, value, and experience of the Day Care at Home service for people living withdementia and family carer of people with dementia
  • How the Day Care at Home service fits into the overall dementia-care and support landscape
  • How the Day Care at Home service impacts integration into other services and supports bothinternally and externally
  • Optimal service delivery methods and a client’s journey through the service.
  • Areas for development and improvement
  • The potential for Day Care at Home to address the unique needs of people with Young OnsetDementia and their families
  • How the Day Care at Home service is perceived in relation to other services (e.g., Home Careand Day Care Centres) by people affected by dementia and other stakeholders
  • The experiences of staff who deliver the Day Care at Home service, and how they can be bestsupported to undertake their role (e.g. training and support requirements

Budget: The total value of this contract, excluding VAT is €30,800. Total including VAT is €40,000.

Timeline: This contract is expected to start by the latest 31st October 2022 and should be fully implemented by 30th June 2023.

Closing Date: 12th October 2022

How to apply: This process will be managed by The ASI’s Procurement Team via Any queries should be submitted via etenders.

Link: Invitation to Tender Overview Document 


Invitation to Tender (Policy): A Case for Clinical Dementia Nurse Specialists in acute hospitals

**This has closed on etenders but you can apply until October 11th by contacting [email protected] directly.


The Alzheimer Society of Ireland is seeking tenders from suitably qualified individuals or organisations to create a short briefing document on Case for Clinical Dementia Nurse Specialists in acute hospitals.

The value of Clinical Dementia Nurse Specialists and the need for further investment has been highlighted across The ASI’s grassroots (i.e. frontline staff, advocacy group members, board members, and members of the public affected by dementia). The ASI is committed to evidence-based Advocacy and wishes to develop a deeper understanding of the value, costs, enablers and barriers to investment in these roles.

Focus and aims of the work

The overall aim is to produce a short briefing document that explores the case for further investment in Clinical Dementia Nurse Specialist roles to provide The ASI with evidence and information to inform future advocacy activities. 

The work should encompass:

  •  Analysis of the number of roles required per number of people with dementia admitted to hospital. 
  • A comprehensive summary of the costs involved in providing an adequate number of Dementia Nurse Specialist roles in every acute hospital in the Republic of Ireland. 
  • A brief review of relevant literature, policy and evidence
  • Value added by the role to the hospital environment (e.g. training, education, direct care, indirect care, patient advocacy, re-integration to the community etc.)
  • Operational and logistical facilitators/barriers/considerations


The timeframe for this project is five months beginning October 5th 2022. A working draft is due on January 13th and the final document is due on February 1st 2023.


This project has a maximum budget including VAT of €10,000 (Excluding VAT is €7,700). 

How to apply

**This has closed on etenders but you can apply until October 11th by contacting [email protected] directly.

Contact: Trish Anderson or Collette O’Donnell via [email protected]


The Alzheimer Society of Ireland Postgraduate Research Bursary Scheme

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland is delighted to offer three postgraduate bursaries for dementia research in 2022. The bursaries of up to €2,500 will support postgraduate students to disseminate their work or engage in Person & Public Involvement (PPI).

We invite applicants from all backgrounds whose research is focused on dementia (across all disciplines and areas of work).

There are three bursary types:

• Person Public Involvement (PPI) Bursary

• Traditional Dissemination Bursary

• Creative Dissemination Bursary

For more information on the different types of bursaries available and further detail, please see HERE.

Applicants can apply for funding of a maximum €2,500 in one stream, however this must be appropriately justified based on the activities proposed. Applications requesting lower amounts are also welcome and eligible for this award. A minimum of one bursary will be awarded under each stream.


Applicants must:
• Be a current postgraduate student (L9 Masters or L10 Doctoral) in a relevant area during 2022/2023 in a HEI in the Republic of Ireland.
• Applicants must normally be resident in Ireland.

How to apply
For information on how to apply, please read the call document HERE.


Irish Research Council New Foundations Scheme (Strand One) 2022

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland are seeking new research partners for Strand One of this scheme. This scheme supports small, discrete collaborative projects between postdoctoral or more experienced researchers and a community/voluntary organisation or NGO. Researchers are required to submit applications with an endorsement by the NGO/voluntary organisation.

We would be delighted to work with prospective applicants with the view to endorsing applications on a broad range of subjects:

• Addressing care/service needs and quality of life for those affected by dementia
• Carer supports and needs
• Experiences and needs of minority groups in relation to dementia
• Integration of research into care

The funding is up to €12,000 over a maximum of nine months and is provided by the Irish Research Council.

If you wish to consider a potential application with The ASI, please contact the Research Team ([email protected]). Subject areas will be reviewed by a committee. Unfortunately, The ASI may not be able to endorse all applications.

More information on this scheme can be found here.

Please note, the Irish Research Council can only fund two awards per charity organisation.


Evaluation of the Creating a Dementia Inclusive Generation Programme with Post Primary Schools


The Alzheimer Society of Ireland is seeking tenders from suitably qualified individuals or organisations to conduct an evaluation of the Creating a Dementia Inclusive Generation Programme

Creating a Dementia Inclusive Generation Programme

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland has collaborated with the Dementia Services Information and Development Centre (DSiDC) to facilitate the delivery of a dementia awareness programme, with the focus on educating post primary students to become part of a dementia inclusive generation. The overall aim of this programme, Creating a Dementia Inclusive Generation, is to teach young people about dementia. 

‘Creating a Dementia Inclusive Generation’ Programme has three key components:

  • An e-Learning programme which consists of five unique modules on topics of brain health and dementia which students can complete to enable them to become Dementia Champions in their School, Clubs and Community.
  • A ‘Peer Educator’ Programme which provides these students with a toolkit to facilitate dementia awareness sessions with their peers and to stimulate creative engagement.
  • A Fundraising and Creative Partnership, working with a member of the ASI Fundraising Team to directly support services in the local community.


Creating a Dementia-Inclusive Generation is a highly flexible initiative and the duration of the programme will be dependent on each school and the creativity of the students involved. Therefore the timeline for this project will be fourteen months  (July 2022 – September 2023) covering the academic year from September 2022 – June to 2023 and allowing time for planning and analysis.  


This project has a maximum budget of €30,000 inclusive of VAT and all other costs*. 

How to apply

This process will be managed by The ASI’s Procurement Team via queries should be submitted via etenders. 

Deadline: June 7th at noon. 



Developing guidance on how Dementia Service Providers and Community Groups can support people with Younger Onset Dementia and their families.

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland is inviting applications to tender to develop specific guidance on how Dementia Service Providers and Community Groups can support people with YOD living in their communities through the development or adaptation of new and/or current services. Deadline for expressions of interest 17th October 2021.

Invitation to tender and guidance click HERE


Irish Research Council New Foundations Scheme (Strand One) 2021

The ASI are looking for Research Partners for Strand One of this scheme. This supports small, discrete collaborative projects between postdoctoral or more experienced researchers and a community/voluntary organisation or NGO. Researchers are required to submit applications with an endorsement by the NGO/voluntary organisation.

We would be delighted to work with prospective applicants with the view to endorsing applications on the following broad range of subjects

• Addressing care needs and quality of life for those affected by dementia,
• Carer supports and needs,
• Experiences and needs of minority groups in relation to dementia,
• Integration of research into care
• Basic Science research into dementia
• Supporting people with dementia/carers to be involved in research
• Public workshop series aimed at supporting research collaboration & knowledge exchange

The funding is up to €12,000 over a maximum of nine months and is provided by the Irish Research Council. The deadline for applications to the Irish Research Council is 26/05/2021.

Applications should have a good standard of PPI. We are happy to discuss this with you and help arrange for PPI Contributors to work with you.

More information about the New Foundations Scheme is available HERE .

Please contact [email protected] or [email protected] if you are interested in applying.


Irish Research Council New Foundations Scheme (Strand One) 2020

The ASI are looking for Research Partners for Strand One of this scheme. This supports small, discrete collaborative projects between postdoctoral or more experienced researchers and a community/voluntary organisation or NGO. Researchers are required to submit applications with an endorsement by the NGO/voluntary organisation.

We would be delighted to work with prospective applicants with the view to endorsing applications on the following broad range of subjects

• Impact of  COVID-19 on people living with dementia,
• Addressing care needs and quality of life for those affected by dementia,
• Carer supports and needs,
• Experiences and needs of minority groups in relation to dementia,
• Integration of research into care,
• Supporting people with dementia/ carers to be involved in research

The funding is up to €12,000 over a maximum of nine months and is provided by the Irish Research Council. The deadline for applications to the Irish Research Council is 20/10/2020.

Applications should have a good standard of PPI. We are happy to discuss this with you and help arrange for PPI Contributors to work with you.

More information about the New Foundations Scheme is available HERE .

Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in applying.


Irish Research Council New Foundations Scheme (Strand One) 2019

The Irish Research Council (IRC) New Foundations Scheme supports eligible researchers who intend to pursue research within and across a diversity of disciplines. ASI are looking for Research Partners for Strand One of this scheme. This supports small, discrete collaborative projects between postdoctoral or more experienced researchers and a community/voluntary organisation or NGO. Researchers are required to submit applications with an endorsement by the NGO/voluntary organisation.

We would be delighted to work with prospective applicants with the view to endorsing applications on the following subjects

    • Community-based supports/services
    • Psycho-social interventions
    • Prevention
    • Diagnosis
    • Downs Syndrome and dementia
    • Caregiving
    • Technology
    • Addressing loneliness in people living with dementia

The funding is up to €12,000 over a maximum of nine months and is provided by the Irish Research Council. The deadline for applications to the Irish Research Council is 2/12/2019.

More information about the New Foundations Scheme is available HERE


HRCI/HRB Joint Funding Scheme 2020

ASI is pleased to announce its participation in the Joint Funding Scheme 2020 between the Health Research Board and Health Research Charities Ireland. We are inviting applications based around community based supports/services/engagement of up to two years duration to a maximum of €80,000 per annum.

ASI Invitation to Tender & guidance notes CLICK HERE

Pre-Application Form CLICK HERE


A Case for Dementia in the Chronic Disease Management Programme

The primary objective of this proposed policy paper is to explore the case for including dementia in the CDMP, specifically, how this process could be developed and an in-depth understanding of what would be entailed in this process, what it would mean for people diagnosed with dementia, their carers and health care professionals (HCPs).

● Chronic Disease Programme Invitation to Tender & guidance notes CLICK HERE

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