Other Support and Services
There are a range of other services, in addition to those provided by The Alzheimer Society of Ireland, which can provide support and assistance to you and your family.

Other Support and Services
Print ListSocial Activities
Clare Connect Cafe
St Josephs Dementia Cafe
Website: https://saintjosephsshankill.ie/
The Book of Memories Cafe
A welcoming, monthly meeting for anyone connected with dementia.
Pop in for a cup of tea, a chat and meet others on a similar journey.
Cavan Family Carer Training
Monaghan Family Carers Ireland Support Group
Leitrim Carers Support Group , Family Carers Ireland.
Carlow Cabin Dementia Cafe
Swords Memory Café
Roscommon Memory Café
Tubbercurry South Sligo Social club
Bayside Dementia Friendly Social Club
Making Memories Café
Donnybrook Alzheimer Café
Website: https://alzheimercafe.ie/
Kildare Dementia Café
The Rosemary Dementia Cafe
Age Friendly Dementia Cafe Roscrea
It is an opportunity for people with memory loss, their friends, and carers to meet. We offer advice on services available, support and information.
Website: https://familycarers.ie
Skerries Forget-Me-Not Café
Age Action Care and Repair
Age Action’s Care and Repair does small DIY jobs, free of charge, for older people to help them maintain their homes and their independence.
The Crystal Project is a community dementia project. Services include Social club trips, information talks, music classes and brain exercise training
The Rainbow Café is specifically for older LGBT+ persons, proactive allies, and healthcare professionals supporting older persons.
The space is dementia-inclusive and those living with dementia, along with family carers and supporters, are encouraged to attend and will be assisted to do so in any way possible.
Western Alzheimers- Galway
Offers Support and Services to people with Dementia in Galway. This includes Respite, Day-care and Befriending services.
Social Prescribing is a HSE run service that connects people with supports and activities in the community to strengthen their health, wellbeing and quality of life. Social prescribing is about supporting health and wellbeing by linking people into local, community-based activities such as exercise, art, reading and gardening
Website: https://alone.ie/our-work/
Alone is a national organisation that enables older people to age at home as well as providing befriending services, advice, assistive technology and support
Alz Pals – Wicklow Dementia Support
Website: https://wicklowdementiasupport.org/
An in person Social Singing Group for people living with Dementia, Alzheimer’s and/or Parkinson’s and their Carers. This is on in various locations throughout Cork. Please click View Full Info for location details.
Limerick Dementia Social Club
For Persons with Dementia and their Carers and all seeking support with Dementia. No referral is necessary and people can attend on any club night as they wish.
Musical Memories Choir, Deansgrange
No Booking required just turn up on the day.
New members are very welcome.
Youghal Social Cafe
Memory Cafe, Thurles
Leitrim Memory Café
Dementia Friendly Gallery Tours
Alzheimer Café South County Dublin
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland is working in partnership with Alzheimer Cafes in the Dublin area.
Siel Bleu Physical Activities
Siel Bleu holds a range of physical activity sessions which are open for people with dementia and their carers to attend. The cost per session is €5. Siel Bleu also offers one to one classes which can be held in people’s homes at a cost of €30 per session. The class timetable with details of the groups taking place in Wicklow can be viewed at this link http://www.sielbleu.ie/communities/
Family Carers Wexford
Greystones Dementia Friends
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Wicklow. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website.
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Wexford. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website.
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Westmeath. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website.
Siel Bleu Physical Activities
Siel Bleu holds a range of physical activity sessions which are open for people with dementia and their carers to attend. The cost per session is €5. Siel Bleu also offers one to one classes which can be held in people’s homes at a cost of €30 per session. The class timetable with details of the groups taking place in Westmeath can be viewed at this link http://www.sielbleu.ie/communities/
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Waterford. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website.
Siel Bleu Physical Activities
Siel Bleu holds a range of physical activity sessions which are open for people with dementia and their carers to attend. The cost per session is €5. Siel Bleu also offers one to one classes which can be held in people’s homes at a cost of €30 per session. The class timetable with details of the groups taking place in Waterford can be viewed at this link http://www.sielbleu.ie/communities/
The Living Well with Dementia Service South Tipperary.
The 5 Step Program and Memory Technology Library is now run by the HSE
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Tipperary. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website.
Siel Bleu Physical Activities
Siel Bleu holds a range of physical activity sessions which are open for people with dementia and their carers to attend. The cost per session is €5. Siel Bleu also offers one to one classes which can be held in people’s homes at a cost of €30 per session. The class timetable with details of the groups taking place in Tipperary can be viewed at this link http://www.sielbleu.ie/communities/
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Sligo. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website.
Siel Bleu Physical Activities
Siel Bleu holds a range of physical activity sessions which are open for people with dementia and their carers to attend. The cost per session is €5. Siel Bleu also offers one to one classes which can be held in people’s homes at a cost of €30 per session. The class timetable with details of the groups taking place in Sligo can be viewed at this link http://www.sielbleu.ie/communities/
A Men’s Shed is a dedicated, friendly and welcoming meeting place where men come together and undertake a variety of mutually agreed activities. Men’s Sheds are open to all men regardless of age, background or ability.
Siel Bleu holds a range of physical activity sessions which are open for people with dementia and their carers to attend. The cost per session is €5. Siel Bleu also offers one to one classes which can be held in people’s homes at a cost of €30 per session. The class timetable with details of the groups taking place in Roscommon can be viewed at this link http://www.sielbleu.ie/communities/
Rural Men’s Group
Providing older men in the county with an alternative social outlet. There are 3 Rural Men’s Groups in the county covering the catchment areas of Ballaghaderreen, Drumboylan & Dysart. Activities include social evenings, outdoor activities such as day trips and evening entertainment.
Roscommon Friendly Call Service
Website: http://www.rosleaderpartnership.ie/
A free and confidential telephone service offered to people living in County Roscommon. This service is managed by trained volunteers and workers.
Roscommon Disability Support Group
Website: http://www.rosdisabilities.ie/
Have a sensory garden at their Centre and run some Craft and Flower arranging workshops that people in the early stages of dementia could attend. People attending must be between 18-65.
Offers Supports and Services to people with dementia in Roscommon. This includes respite, day-care and befriending services.
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Offaly. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website.
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Monaghan. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website.
South Meath Social Economy Ltd. (SMSE)
South Meath Social Economy (SMSE) provides a household maintenance/repair/cleaning and gardening service to the over 60s and people with disabilities in Co Meath
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Meath. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website.
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
A Men’s Shed is a dedicated, friendly and welcoming meeting place where men come together and undertake a variety of mutually agreed activities. Men’s Sheds are open to all men regardless of age, background or ability.
Website: https://westernalzheimer.ie
Offers Support and Services to people with Dementia in Mayo. This includes Respite, Day-care and Befriending services
Dementia Support Group
Community Action in Mayo run a Support Group for carers of people with dementia
One to one Support Service
As part of the Mayo Community Action on Dementia Project, a trained person will spend time with the person with dementia on a one to one basis
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Louth. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website.
Siel Bleu holds a range of physical activity sessions which are open for people with dementia and their carers to attend. The cost per session is €5. Siel Bleu also offers one to one classes which can be held in people’s homes at a cost of €30 per session. The class timetable with details of the groups taking place in Louth can be viewed at this link http://www.sielbleu.ie/communities/
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Longford. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website.
Siel Bleu holds a range of physical activity sessions which are open for people with dementia and their carers to attend. The cost per session is €5. Siel Bleu also offers one to one classes which can be held in people’s homes at a cost of €30 per session. The class timetable with details of the groups taking place in Longford can be viewed at this link http://www.sielbleu.ie/communities/
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
There are Men's Sheds in various locations. The Irish Men's Shed's Association will provide a list for your area either by phone or by visiting their website
Leitrim Men’s Shed
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
There are Men's Sheds in various locations. The Irish Men's Shed's Association will provide a list for your area either by phone or by visiting their website
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
There are Men's Sheds in various locations. The Irish Men's Shed's Association will provide a list for your area either by phone or by visiting their website
Siel Bleu holds a range of physical activity sessions which are open for people with dementia and their carers to attend. The cost per session is €5. Siel Bleu also offers one to one classes which can be held in people’s homes at a cost of €30 per session. The class timetable with details of the groups taking place in Kilkenny can be viewed at this link http://www.sielbleu.ie/communities/
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Kilkenny. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website
Siel Bleu holds a range of physical activity sessions which are open for people with dementia and their carers to attend. The cost per session is €5. Siel Bleu also offers one to one classes which can be held in people’s homes at a cost of €30 per session. The class timetable with details of the groups taking place in Kildare can be viewed at this link http://www.sielbleu.ie/communities/
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Kildare. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website.
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Kerry. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website.
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Galway. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website.
Siel Bleu holds a range of physical activity sessions which are open for people with dementia and their carers to attend. The cost per session is €5. Siel Bleu also offers one to one classes which can be held in people’s homes at a cost of €30 per session. The class timetable with details of the groups taking place in Galway can be viewed at this link http://www.sielbleu.ie/communities/
Website: http://www.sielbleu.ie
Siel Bleu holds a range of physical activity sessions which are open for people with dementia and their carers to attend. The cost per session is €5. Siel Bleu also offers one to one classes which can be held in people’s homes at a cost of €30 per session. The class timetable with details of the groups taking place in Dublin can be viewed at this link http://www.sielbleu.ie/communities/
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Dublin. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website.
Azure Tours at IMMA
Azure Art Tours for people with Dementia, their carers and friends.
Crumlin Community Choir
This Choir is held in the Community Centre for Music and Arts, Crumlin. The choir is for older people with particular welcome for people with memory loss or dementia and their friends and neighbours.
Forget-me-nots Choir
This choir is for older people and particularly welcomes those affected by memory loss.
Living Well with Dementia Project
Website: http://livingwellwithdementia.ie/
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Donegal. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website.
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Cork. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website.
Singing for the Brain
Everyone welcome to tune in online via Zoom
Website: https://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Clare. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website.
Laragh Senior Social Club- Has yet to reopen
This is an older adults social group and is open for people with dementia to attend.
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Cavan. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website.
Website: http://menssheds.ie/shed-directory/
Mens Sheds are in different locations throughout Carlow. Contact Irish Men's Sheds Association by phone or look for a list on the website.
Siel Bleu Physical Activities, Carlow
Siel Bleu holds a range of physical activity sessions which are open for people with dementia and their carers to attend. The cost per session is €5. Siel Bleu also offers one to one classes which can be held in people’s homes at a cost of €30 per session. The class timetable with details of the groups taking place in Carlow can be viewed at the link above
The Seniors Alert Scheme provides grant support for the supply of equipment to enable older people without sufficient means to continue to live securely in their homes. The scheme, which is run by Pobal, replaced the Scheme of Community Support for Older People in May 2010. The grant assistance is made available through community and voluntary groups registered with Pobal.
As part of the Community Action in Mayo Project, this service works with people with dementia and their families to access information, supports and services throughout the course of the condition.
Memory Technology
Waterford Memory Technology Resource Room
Ballinasloe Memory Technology Room
Killarney Memory Technology Resource Room
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.
Sligo Memory Technology Resource Room
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.
North Tipperary Memory Technology Resource Room
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology
Laois/Offaly Memory Technology Resource Room
Wicklow Memory Technology Resource Room
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.
Beaumont Memory Technology Resource Room
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.
Donegal Memory Technology Resource Room
Note: The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range of products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology
Wexford Memory Technology Resource Room
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology. The MTRR in Wexford is now offering Phone consultations, Video conferences, advice and information. If the person or their family would like to avail of this please contact.
South Tipperary Memory Technology Resource Room
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.
Roscommon Memory Technology Resource Room
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.
Meath Memory Technology Resource Room
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.
Mayo Memory Technology Resource Room
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.
Limerick Memory Technology Resource Room
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.
Leitrim Memory Technology Resource Room
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.
Galway Memory Technology Resource Room
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.
Ballyfermot Memory Technology Resource Room
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.
Clonskeagh Memory Technology Resource Room
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.
Loughlinstown Memory Technology Resource Room
The Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Referral-based service.
Mallow Memory Technology Resource Room
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.
Cork Memory Technology Resource Room
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.
Cavan / Monaghan Memory Technology Resource Room
The Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.
Memory Clinic
Memory Clinic, St Columcille’s Hospital, Loughlinstown, Co. Dublin
The Memory Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Referral-based service, not available for people under 65. People under the age of 65 are referred to the Neurology service at St Vincent's University Hospital
Memory Clinic, Louth
The Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Medical referral-based service which is also available for people under 65 on a case by case basis.
Multidisciplinary Memory Clinic, St Patrick’s Mental Health Services
The Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Referral-based service which is also available for people under 65 on a case by case basis.
Memory Assessment & Support Clinic, St Mary’s Day Hospital
The Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Medical referral-based service.
St John of God Memory Assessment Service, Dublin
The Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Medical referral-based service which is also available for people under 65.
Highfield Healthcare Memory Clinic
The Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Medical referral-based service which is also available for people under 65.
The Dementia Advisory Resource Centre, Consilla, Dublin
The Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Medical referral-based service which is also available for people under 65.
Wexford General Hospital Memory Clinic
The Memory Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Referral-based service which is available for people under 65.
Midland Regional Hospital Memory Clinic, Mullingar
The Memory Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Referral-based service which is available for people under 65.
Memory Clinic, St. Patrick’s Hospital
The Memory Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Referral-based service which is available for people under 65
Roscommon Memory Clinic
The Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Referral-based service which is also available for people under 65.
Midlands Regional Hospital Memory Clinic, Offaly
The Memory Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Referral-based service which is available for people under 65
Cognitive Assessment Service, Meath
Please note that memory clinic referrals are available to all age groups, however a GP / Consultant referral is necessary for assessment.
St. Ita’s Day Hospital Memory Clinic
The Memory Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Referral-based service which is available for people under 65.
Cognitive Assessment Service, Laois
The Memory Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Referral-based service which is available for people under 65.
Memory Clinic, St Columba’s
The Memory Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Referral-based service which is available for people under the age of 65.
Mercer’s Memory Clinic
The Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Medical referral-based service which is also available for people under 65.
Memory Assessment & Support Clinic, Connolly Hospital
The Clinic is a specialised service for people over the age of 65 with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia.
Mater Hospital Memory Clinic
The Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Medical referral-based service which is only available for people over 65.
Memory Assessment Clinic, Tallaght
The Memory Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Medical referral-based service.
St Vincents Memory Clinic
The Memory Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Medical referral-based service.
Assessment & Treatment Clinic, Cork
The Memory Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Referral-based service.
Memory Clinic Carlow
The Memory Clinic is a specialised service for people with memory loss, changes in cognitive function and dementia. Diagnosis and treatments are provided for those concerned about changes in their memory and memory disorders, including dementia. Referral-based service which is also available for people under 65.
Public Health Nurse
Local Health Services
Click the link above to find what local health services are in your area